UBERÖRT Festival Line-Up

Click on each teacher or scroll down to read their bio and workshop description.

You can see the workshop program here and read more information about how to sign up

A Day on UBERÖRT Festival

The daily schedule on the festival will look roughly like this:

8:00 – 9:30 Morning Practice

9:30 Breakfast

11:00 – 13:00 Noon Workshop

13:30 Lunch

16:00 – 18:00 Afternoon Workshops and/or performances

19:00 Dinner

20:30 Grand Gatherings & events (dancing, singing, concerts, bonfire etc.)

Meet your teachers

Mikkala Kissi

Through more than 20 years, Rikke Libak has been in the field of dance and movement, now teaching Free / Concious Dance at classes and festival around the North. Her teaching gives space for expressing your authenticity and to move with exactly what is present.

Workshop – Dancing with the Elements
An invitation into conscious dance beneath the vast open skies of Uberört nature. Allow raw nature to inspire the body and soul as we connect to and dance through earth, water, air and fire. Move with the four elements, as nature reminds us that we too – in our rawness – are nature.

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Åsa Rudehill

Åsa is a previous dancer and trained in different schools of body work. As a passionate yoga and meditation teacher since 2011, as well as a psychologist, she loves to empower others to find their full potential and peace within.

Workshop – Morning Glory Yoga
Start your day by anchoring yourself in your body and heart. Helping you to stay in a softness and to see the glory of the day.

Workshop – Forest Meditation & Rest
Give yourself time to rest in stillness and nature. You’ll be supported to deepen your presence without effort and feel the power of doing nothing. Bring warm clothes and a notebook if you would like.

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Prune & David Poznic

PRUNE POZNIC has worked closely with the creators of Wutao and Song of the Breath for over a decade, and has earned the advanced level “Professeure” certification. She taught for years in Paris and internationally, including workshops in Thailand, Singapore, Canada, Morocco and the US. She now lives and teaches in California. Prune was a professional actress in Paris for years, and her approach works to connect breath and movement to deeper emotional awareness and expressive pathways.

DAVID POZNIC: From living in a Shaolin Kung Fu monestary in the mountains of China to playing Capoeira on the beaches of Brazil, David’s career has led him to coach, teach, and perform in more than 20 countries. With a voracious appetite for learning new skills, David has worked with movement experts around the world for over twenty years, exploring Capoeira, contemporary dance, acrobatics, Alexander Technique, and Wutao, amongst others. He combines a highly technical approach to movement with a deep commitment to breath and physical poetry.

Workshop – Wutao (Prune & David)
The art of Wutao is based on building awareness of the primordial undulatory movement of the spine. This wave gets extended and amplified through the entire body, liberating the natural spirals that exist in all of our movements. As we breathe into this practice, Wutao becomes a dance, a physical calligraphy, in which deeper energetic, emotional, and artistic pathways are revealed.

Workshop – Between Gravity
In this class we explore the wonderful world of crawling and playing on our hands, as well as the spirals, breathwork and techniques that allow us to move freely in any direction and to express ourselves more fully. Combining approaches and techniques from Capoeira, functional movement training, contemporary dance, and acrobatics, participants are led through the fundamentals of crawling, suspending, and playing upside down. The class teaches skills for many diverse forms of inverted movement, from static or moving handstands to handspins and gentle flips and suspensions. Finally, we explore improvisational exercises in which we combine dynamic movement vocabulary with each person’s own personal movement style and goals.

Workshop – Song of the Breath (Prune)
Song Of The Breath explores ways to liberate and play with our breath while connecting to ourselves and to the group, as part of a tribal-style chorus. In this workshop, we will play with elasticity, silence, rhythm, and sounds to reconnect to our natural groove. This allows us to experience more fluidity as we move through the different physical, mental, and emotional experiences that arise with our breath. In doing so, we can more fully access our vitality and inner joy. Let’s groove!

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David Ramati

David Ramati is a DJ & Percussionist who has been playing at numerous festivals and events all over the world for over 20 years, including regularly at Burning Man Festival, and this year also at the Uberört. He plays music that is sometimes energetic & ecstatic, sometimes soft & mellow, filled with groove and rythm and invites you to move in exactly the way you wish to. He combines his DJ sets with live percussion & drums to create an irresistible dance floor where the crowd, the music and the DJ communicate in the universal language of rythm and dance.

Workshop: Saunagus
Info coming soon

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Disa Mineur

Disa has 13 years of experience within the field of Holistic Health and Fertility Awareness. The latest years, she has been teaching and certifying Earthing Guides both in Sweden and Internationally. The Bioelectric Body and its connection to fertility and overall health is one of her main intrests. Disa runs her own Fertility Coach business as well as the company Earthing Academy.

Workshop – Cyclical workout for cyclical bodies
Most workout practices, including Yoga, are based on the principles of an every day testosterone producing male body. But what if you are Cyclical? What if you could Surf your Cycle of Estrogen, Progesterone AND Testosterone, giving you the benefits of knowing when to push it and when to rest? When to add extra energy and protein to your plate? Cyclic Workout for Cyclic Bodies mixes lecture style workshop with listening to you as participants sharing your view on Cyclic Workout in a Cyclic Body.

Workshop – Bioelectric body voltage
Enter a world of bioelectricity, where your body and its cellular charge is at the center. Do you consider the body a biochemical thing? I did, until I found Earthing and started looking closer at the electrical charge in the cell, which decides your levels of energy and your ability to perform. Welcome to a hands om workshop where you´ll learn all about the method Earthing, how to measure body voltage and why that´s important for your body and it´s health.

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Dorte Bjerre Jensen

As an art worker and educator, Dorte Bjerre Jensens work is anchored in an evolving artistic inquiry into multisensory relations of ecological attention through movement, manifested as performance, participatory performative scores, live art installations,lectures, classes and workshops, and writing. Dorte have been practicing, teaching and performing contact improvisation for more than 20 years.

Workshop – Contact Impro: Caring with sensitizing oneself
As a dancer, artist, researcher and educator I am interested in our body ́s innate ability to respond physically to the environment, and the surprisingly ways we create relational matrices by composing our bodies in and with space. I take point of departure within the practice of contact improvisation, instant composition and performative scores. I wish to propose a practice of caring with. Caring with in the attendance to others, with asymmetry of touch, friction, gravity, senses, and smells, caring with inside the unequal, messy and troubled situations. Caring with as deep listening. Caring with is about proposing an embodied multisensory affectively and politically targeted way of knowing, grounded in sensitizing oneself to each other and the “more than human” sentience, by asking: what modes of attention and practices of attunement can bring us into responsible relationships? To care with and get carried away!

Workshop – Contact Impro: Imperfect Sphericity (Dorte & Johan)
Contact Improvisation, boiled down, touch our ability to be round, global, spherical and at the same letting us play with the force gravity. Gravity is our constant companion, and it is a force we all have in common as humans and non-human on this planet earth. The practice offers an all-around-spreading awareness working with sensing where the direction for down is by: letting gravity inform our bodies. We can work from hidden places, unseen back space and up-side-down, all the time striving to be perfect, universal, awesome – but all the time – falling and failing and staying imperfect.Through playful and challenging guided explorations, we will work on our ability to keep an active solo, working from periphery to center. Starting light, enhancing the beauty in details, so that we later can arrive at the excellence of great weight exchange and mutuality.

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Janni Popp

Janni Popp is facilitating movement practices with the intention of guiding participants into a state of freedom and authenticity. She is curious about the living experience of the human body and has been teaching movements in more than 10 years in different constellations and contexts. She did her first yoga teacher training in 2018 and has recently gained her authorization as a physiotherapist.

Workshop – Shake the Dust: Open to Grace
Grace is not something you can search for, but something to open to. Grace can be found in any situation, when we allow life to be just as it is. In this session you are invited to open to the unfolding of life as it moves through you – open to emotions, sensations and streams, allowing it all to rise and dissolve. As we open to reality, just as it is, we might be granted with grace and a discovery of freedom, even when contained.

Workshop – Embodied Yin: The River of You
In this soft practice you are invited to lean into the stream floating underneath your skin. To trace and follow breath and movements as they flow through you, and follow this river through its ebbs and flows. It will be a journey of intuitive movements and few asanas, where you are guided to move in relation to your body-heart-mind and discover the river of you, just as it moves; moment by moment. (Location: somewhere where you can see the river… in the “old” shala or on the terrasse from there).

Workshop – Myofascial Release
A journey into the inner web of your body, releasing what is ready to release and surfing the sensory field of your subtle body.

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Jeppe Skovgaard

I began climbing buildings and doing parkour at night because I couldn’t sleep. I began yoga because parkour made me so strong that I could no longer breathe. I began acroyoga because I lacked a connection with other people and missed a community. I started Rört because I believe that all kinds of movement have specific qualities, that they are all potentially moving and touching – and because I have a burning desire to create a community in Copenhagen across disciplines where we can meet as human beings and inspire, touch, and move each other.

Workshop – Yoga: You are the Mountain

Do you ever find yourself so busy climbing the mountain that you forget about the views along the way? So busy with the goal that there is no joy in the process? If that is the case you are absolutely human AND STILL you have the opportunity and choice to tune into the practice and life with less separation and more grace moment to moment.

In this fierce morning yoga practice we will have tadasana and the mountain as our leading metaphor while be explore if we can be both the mountain and the mountaineer.

INTO THE WILD: Forest walk x stream dipping x meditation
Start your festival by immersing yourself into the old and sacred forest that surrounds the festival site. In this forest walk Jeppe (that lives on Möllan) will guide you into the wild, off track and give chances to immerse in the cooling stream. As a part of the walk we will take time to arrive with and in the forest, to listen to ourselves and the surroundings and to let it all get quiet.

Bring good footwear (anything from boots to shoes to well training bare feet will serve you well)

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Johan Nilsson

Johan is an explorer of natural sciences and art. He’s a trained gardener and teacher in Biodynamic farming, gardening and Permaculturdesign These are a great source of inspiration for him due to its deep relationship with the natural world, alternative methods and plant forces. In dance and improvisation, he experiences the same fascination as when he was a child playing in the forest – in contact with nature – a world full of imagination and playfulness! 

His movement background includes Capoeira, African Dance, World Dance and fire spinning, but his interest deepened when he first discovered Contact Improvisation in 2004, with his main inspiration coming from Måns Erlandsson and Malin Anclair, Stockholm/Sweden. Since then, Johan has been participating as a teacher and performer in several projects, festivals and dance events throughout Europe, India and China. He is regularly teaching classes in different dance institutions and is organising CI events in Sweden. For a few years he was part of organizing METAMORPHOSIS Improvisation Festival, where he is the co-founder.

Workshop – Contact Impro: Critical Connection
Through clarity of boundaries, intimate spaces and non-verbal communication we will arrive at a CRITICAL CONNECTEDNESS. The heart of CI Where it is real. We will work with and question how we move over each other, on each other and with each other. Moving through landscapes and offering each other landscapes to move on.
 We will receive each other as people and as moving creatures.
 Constructing bubbles of functional dance. Sustaining our own moving selves in near proximity.
 Dialogues in shared moments.

Workshop – Contact impro: Imperfect Sphericity (with Dorte Bjerre)
Contact Improvisation, boiled down, touch our ability to be round, global and spherical. The practice offers an all-around-spreading awareness. We can work from hidden places, unseen back space and up-side-down, all the time striving to be perfect, universal, awesome – but all the time – failing and staying imperfect We will co though technical exercise, working on our ability to keep an active solo, working from PERIPHERY to CENTER. Starting light, enhancing the BEAUTY IN DETAILS, so that we later can arrive at the excellence of great weight exchange and BIGGER DANCE.

Workshop: Ecosomatics – Movement in nature: “Life Journey a Group Ritual” 
Walking a path, entering a loop, moving through past, present and future we travel on the path of our life journey, through a defined place inbetween our lives. The ritual is non-verbal, but not necessarily silent. Follow your intuitions and impulses. You yourself know at what speed you want to live. Let things change. Interact with others or not. Only you know what you need.

Workshop: Ecosomatics – Relationship to Nature – “Authentic Relating through Perception”
Ecosomatics is an emerging interdisciplinary field which connects movement education, improvisation, healing arts, psychology, ritual, performing arts, and good old-fashioned play with ecological consciousness. The practice of ecosomatics heals the separation between mind, body and Earth by encouraging direct sensory perception of one’s body both in the natural environment, and as the natural environment. We will spend time in nature and let our senses guide our way to diverse experiences.

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Josephin Westerlund

Josephin Westerlund is the founder of Yoga Folks Stockholm. Teaching classes, workshops and facilitating trainings for many years her passion lies in creative vinyasa, philosophy and technique.

Workshop – Yoga: Should I stay or should I crow?
 Feeling like a chicken when it comes to arm balances? No worries, this birdielicious class will have you finding the strenght, confidence and oumph to get towards crow pose! If you find some air time, that’s cool, but focus is playing with crow pose, crane pose, side crow and baby crow. What to expect: a vinyasa warm up, building up strenght in the core muscles, arms and thighs, warming up wrists and forearm. A nice soothing rest in the end, and many bad (bird) jokes. 90 min.

Workshop – Yoga: Kali a fierce class
Welcome fierce folks, to this class inspired by goddess Kali. This is one of Yoga Folks most asked for workshops, where we will gather in a circle, work up the energy, clear out the deep pockets and call on the aspects of ourselves we might have forgotten about. What to expect: kriyas, movement, dance, breathing and a helluva letting go. 90-120 min.

Workshop: The Big Blowout (Yogafolks)
a Yoga Folks signature class in extended version. Come for 2 hours of pure joy – starting off with 30 min of HIIT (body weight used), turning into 30 min of yoga movements, turning in to 30 min of dancing to funky, bouncy music to finish with 30 min of breathing and yoga nidra. What to expect: to blow out your system completely. 2 hours

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Viktor Westerlund

Introducing Viktor Westerlund, a dedicated yoga teacher who strives to create a curious mindset in his yoga classes, often featuring live music as part of the practice. Viktor teaches Yoga and Blow Out at Yoga Folks in both morning and evening sessions, he’s also working with AI and machine learning during the day. Viktor was part of establishing Yoga Folks in 2020, through thick and thin, anything from banging down walls, doing business planning, and helping build the community.

Workshop – Disco:very a dancing meditation
With eyes closed, move to your own rhythm while being guided by a live DJ through a journey of sounds and hits, high and lows, shouts and cries – all is welcome here

Workshop – The Big Blowout (Yogafolks: Josephin, Viktor & Isabell)
The Big Blow Out! – a Yoga Folks signature class in extended version. Come for 2 hours of pure joy – starting off with 30 min of HIIT (body weight used), turning into 30 min of yoga movements, turning in to 30 min of dancing to funky, bouncy music to finish with 30 min of breathing and yoga nidra. What to expect: to blow out your system completely. 2 hours.

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Isabell Johansson

Isabell has done trainings within Ashtanga yoga, Mindfulness and Ayurveda at Delight Yoga in Amsterdam. She’s a co-founder and owner of Yoga Folks in Stockholm and loves the practice and teachings of Vinyasa yoga. Isabell will be offering hands on assist during the workshops led by Josephin.

Workshop – The Big Blowout (Yogafolks: Josephin, Viktor & Isabell)
The Big Blow Out! – a Yoga Folks signature class in extended version. Come for 2 hours of pure joy – starting off with 30 min of HIIT (body weight used), turning into 30 min of yoga movements, turning in to 30 min of dancing to funky, bouncy music to finish with 30 min of breathing and yoga nidra. What to expect: to blow out your system completely. 2 hours.

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Soham Johansen

One of the leading figures of Yoga in Copenhagen, Soham Johansen is a story teller at heart he weaving his delightful energy with passion, skill and humor into funky flows, new poses and restorative yoga – all supported by technical precision.
Artfully he draws knowledge and inspiration from a background in Anusara Yoga, Sanskrit, Language and Cultural Studies, Ayurveda and two decades of immersing in the Yoga tradition of Siddha Yoga.

Workshop –
On a festival like

Workshop – Morning Chanting
On the las

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Nini Julia Bang

Nini is a Danish singer, composer and performer. She holds a master’s in folk and world singing from The National Academy of Music. Her curiosity in voice has taken her from studying Tuvan throat singing in South Siberia to years of training Persian singing – and everything between that. For ten years she was a principal singer and actress in the international theatre company Teatr ZAR in Poland, where theatre is based on ancient polyphonic songs and martial arts – combined! She travelled the world with them, learning songs from different cultures, performing and leading workshops. Nini is the creator and leader of the vocal group Vokalgruppen NOOR as well as the choirs Verdenskoret, KONUR and The Rört Choir. Read more on www.ninibang.com

Workshop – Songs from far away
By learning the harmonic language of our ancestors, we will connect to our musical roots and create a space resonating within us. The songs are ceremonial and solemn, but equally secular and current. Even if you don’t understand the language, you will feel it. You will learn songs from Georgia and Corsica – some of these are more than two thousand years old and have been passed down from generation to generation, slowly shaped into the gems they are now. Everything is learned by ear, so no music skills or previous experience needed – come and learn some old songs!

Workshop – Listening through singing
You will be lead through a set of improvisations to find a way into a more attentive listening and a free and explorative voice. We will create songs that have never been heard before, and that will never be repeated again. The songs of the moment. We will work with finding our place within the harmony and at the same time finding our individual paths in the improvisations. No music skills or previous experience needed – come and sing the Now!

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Oliver Nani

Oliver Nani is an artist and musician with a passion for the magic in the ordinary. He stumbled upon stone balancing in 2018, fell for its simplicity and universality, and has been showcasing a stage performance with it since 2021, as well as teaching workshops. As a musician he is often found composing for theater, doing musical spaceholding for improvised dance, and playing with his band with his 10-year-old daughter. His approach to teaching is formed by his extensive work with meditation and relational practices, as well as his master’s degree in educational psychology.

Workshop – Stonefullness: Allowing for Impossibility
A world in which everything is understood is a cold and empty world. It is the mystery, the “what if…”, the cracks in the explanations, that allows the world to breathe and come alive. In this workshop we will humbly dare to explore this border of impossibility in search of the cracks. You are invited to a playful, meditative and aesthetic exploration in dialogue with the most ancient material we have – the actual flesh of the earth – stones. Through the practice of Stonefulness – building impossibly balanced stone sculptures – we will cultivate a felt sense of the edge of possibility and just beyond. It is a practice of balancing opposing forces, of bridging dream and reality, and of allowing for impossibility. Welcome to Stonefulness.

Concerrt: Childrens Music for Adults
Children have a natural capacity for “childlike wonder”. As adults we sometimes forget, that we live in the very same wondrous world as children, and all we need to do to experience this, is to allow for the wonder to touch us. As a musician Oliver Nani never really left the realm of children’s music with it’s simple and poetic directness. In this concert we’ll go with him on a journey through the major themes of existence, life and death, love and loss, as it appears in his own songwriting, as well as in our common heritage of children’s music. Expect lots of love and community singing. Oliver is joined by Maximillian Fornitz Vording, who plays most instruments known to man.

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Peter Hunter

Movement was the way out of addiction for Peter Hunter, an exercise-based physiotherapist. Through parkour, yoga and partner acrobatics, he found positive communities to participate in, coming out of a self-destructive life period with graffiti, theft and trouble. Parkour gave Peter’s passion for adventure a constructive playground, and yoga and dance gave him the courage to show himself to the world without being perfect.

Workshops: Acroyoga (Peter & Julie)
See description above

Workshop – Falling Safely in Handstands
Staying safe is alfa omega when practicing anything, but learning how to fall safely has additional benefits when learning handstands. You cannot know the limits of your balance, if you are too afraid to cross those limits, and thats why learning how to bail out safely can be a fast path to learning to balance. Expect a lot of partner support when learning new techniques, precise instructions and something for every level. We’ll also practice balance itself towards the end of the workshop.

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Sudha shares her love and connection to Divine Source through the healing sound of her voice. For more than 20 years she has traveled the world offering music and meditation at festivals, retreats, workshops and concerts. Sudha is passionate about the human ability to connect heart to heart through the power of song and silence which opens a space for healing, empowerment and the experience of Oneness.

Workshop – Voice Ritual
In Voice Ritual the focus is on using our own voice as a healing tool. The purpose is to come together and create a space where we can all find our own voice without judgement. With specific chakra activating sounds, we warm up our voices and drop into a space of meditation and stillness from where our authentic sound can emerge. No previous experience of chanting is required, everyone is welcome! This is a space for those who long to let their hearts be heard and are eager to explore their authentic voice – a powerful channel for self expression and empowerment. We will playfully experiment with our voice as a direct channel of our heart.

Concert: Songs for Soulful Surrender
In this Concert Sudha invites us on a journey around the world and into the stillness of the heart through songs and chants from various cultures and spiritual traditions. With a multitude of flavours the experience takes the audiences across traditional Buddhist chants from the East, to Hawaiian songs in the West, weaving beautiful Sanskrit mantras, North American tribal chants and songs from the Yoruba traditions of West-africa as well as original songs in English. The audience is encouraged to dive deep into the experience together and sing along with some of these simple chants. In the singing an atmosphere of unity is created which opens up a space to honour and celebrate Existence itself.

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Ida Frost

Till´s journey on the path of healing arts and holistic bodywork began with his degree as a physical therapist in 2002 and took a new turn shortly after, when he discovered his deep love for Thai Yoga Massage in Lahu Village/ Thailand. He is renowned for his deep, precise and warm touch, which transfers love and energy – the only true door openers concerning blockages in body and mind. Intuition, awareness and compassion are his most important guides, both in giving treatments and in daily life. He is deeply convinced: true love is the answer for the most urgent questions of our time.

Workshop – Thai yoga massage: Free the spine
Starting the mourning practice with chanting Buddhist mantras, followed by sitting in silence after being guided into a form of Vipassana Meditation. After the calm part, we start gentle, to welcome the day. Practicing joint mobility, Quigong and free movement, prepares the body and the mind to focus on our core link. Our Spine. From the Occiput down to the Sacrum and back up, we travel in a slow and mindful way. It can be an intense journey, stored emotions can come up, but also joy and light. In Pregnancy, for heart conditions, any acute back pain like slip disc, the last part is to be practiced with caution and extra awareness.

Workshop – Rock and Roll: Dynamic thai yoga massage
When there is a blockage in our physical body, the fluids are not able to flow freely. Playing with the water and fire quality of touch, we break down old stagnations, which are not needed anymore. Dynamic Thai Yoga Massage can have many expressions, but an other name of it says it the best, ” The Sacred Dance “. Rocking, rolling, twisting, shacking, sometimes soft and gentle, in other moments more ruff, or more fiery, the waters in our bodies are moved, healing is invited. not suited for pregnant women, in the first trimester.

Workshop: Thai Yoga Massage: Long Slow Deep aka LSD
In the world we are living, the earth element is “the one” to focus on. Gravity is a quality which establishes a sense of belonging. Threw LONG holdings, SLOW sinking in and SLOW coming out of the tissues, a DEEP pressure on energy lines, we nurture the different bodies, we ground, root and calm the receiver. This will help to rebalance and center the nervous system and the person overall. But also as a giver, we align in the vertical axis, which brings clarity, a sense of effortlessness and connects us with the nature within ourselves and around us.

Grand Gathering: Invitation to Shavasana

After practicing a deep class of Yoga or any other Holistic Movement modality, lying down in Shavasana is like the cherry on the cake. The beauty about it, it is an unique experience to each of us. In this workshop, we come in touch with the hole body in a creative, fluid and joyful way. By practicing deep listening and applying (also receiving) different qualities of touch, we get a feeling of oneness. A form of Non Verbal Communication guides us threw the partners body and establishes a language expressing the vibration of our hearts, written by our own two hands.

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Sasa Lukic

I am a certified breathwork, inner dance, yoga & kundalini facilitator. For approximately 8 years, I have been engaged in the practice, instruction, and facilitation of breathwork, My fascination lies in creating a safe container for investigating the interplay between the mind and body. Specifically, I am intrigued by how various factors such as breathwork, physical activity, sensations, and sound exposure can affect our self-awareness and our perception of the environment.

Workshop – Rebirthing Vivation Breathwork
Vivation Breathwork is a form of conscious breathing that aims to help individuals release tension, stress, and emotional blocks from the body. It is a therapeutic technique that involves taking deep, connected breaths while focusing on the sensation of the breath moving through the body supported by a soundjourney. The practice involves breathing in a circular pattern, using the diaphragm to take deep, full breaths that expand the chest and belly.

Not suited for: Heart attacks, high blood pressure. • Glaucoma or retinal detachment • Panic attacks or psychosis • You are pregnant(after 5 months) or are breastfeeding “Optional text for the workshop” (The technique was developed by Jim Leonard and Phil Laut in the 1970s as a way to help people overcome limiting beliefs and negative emotions. The goal of vivation breathwork is to increase awareness of the body and the breath, helping individuals to release physical and emotional tension and experience greater relaxation and clarity.)

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Stina & Niels Legene

Salvör has been living and experiencing life with yogic principles at hand and heart over the past 9 years. Highly fascinated and intrigued by the natural functions of the body, mind, heart and soul. She has been learning and teaching how to apply these ancient practices and principles of yoga into our modern day lives. Her deepest interests are in the slow paced yoga styles, yin yoga and yoga therapy. “I have been a teacher in many spaces but a student in all of them. I guide from the instinct and the intelligence of the body, from the seat of my heart and in service to you.”

Workshop – Yin Within
Yin Within is an opportunity for you to create softness, silence and serenity within your body, mind and spirit during the festivities at Möllan. In Yin Yoga we hold the postures for a longer period of time to create space for introspection and integration within the body and mind, a time to allow the body to fully relax and unwind, a time to properly feel and heal. Yin is the gift of stillness and ease wrapped in a beautiful practise for the whole body.

Workshop – Yoga as Therapy
Yoga as Therapy is directly related to the core practice and principles of Yoga. It is how yoga was originally intended to be practiced, in a slow, mindful and therapeutic way. Giving each and every asana or posture time to work its magic on the body, mind and spirit. It is a space to enjoy the holistic therapy that yoga truly is. We will be bringing the whole trinity to the mat, breath, asana and meditation.

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Avalon Khaan

Åsa is a previous dancer and trained in different schools of body work. As a passionate yoga and meditation teacher since 2011, as well as a psychologist, she loves to empower others to find their full potential and peace within.

Workshop – Come to mama – a place to rest, digest and express
This workshop will be a place to rest, digest and express. A safe space to be with everything it can stir up in you, being around 150 people for a week It will be a setting for inner contemplation and shared from the heart

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Soroosh Moghaddam

To me Qi gong is a bridge that connects the non-physical realm to the physical realm. I am grateful to have come across these arts and fascinated by the way they are approached and practiced in Chinese tradition. The deeper i delve into the practice the more profound insights i discover. It is my pleasure to share what i have learned and guide you to find your access to this universal force.”

Workshop – Introduction to Qigong
Qi behaves like water, as the obstacles are removed, flow gets better, in this session you are going to learn the basic principles of working with Qi and enhance the fluidity of the life force in your body so feel more flow.

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